RAWC Webinars

Below is a list of available webinars to purchase. Each webinar is Ā£30.00 each.

We have more webinars available in our Monthly Membership Package. Please see our Membership section for more information.

De-escalation & Co-Regulation

A guide in what to do before during and after a meltdown to keep everybody as emotionally and physically safe as possible.

Hosted by Suzan Issa.


EBSA: School-Based Anxiety

A guide to what can lead to a child being unable to go to school, how you can help and how school can adjust to support your family.

Hosted by Suzan Issa.


Polyvagal Theory

A Ā guide to polyvagal theory and how can use the principles of polyvagal Ā theory to manage our nervous system.

Hosted by Emma Whewell.


Why Rewards and Punishments Donā€™t Work

An explanation of why all the well meaning advice about rewards and punishments seem to make the situation worse and what to do instead.

Hosted by Suzan Issa.


Understanding Anxiety

A guide to how anxiety builds up to create meltdowns, how to avoid the build up and co-regulate and reflect to address and diminish escalations.

Hosted by Suzan Issa.


Buy a Webinar


Please state which webinar's you would like to buy in the form.

  • De-escalation & Co-regulation
  • School Based Anxiety
  • Polyvagal Theory
  • Trauma Informed Practice
  • Why Rewards & punishments Don't Work
  • Understanding Anxiety