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Family Support

Raising a Wild Child is very fortunate to work with expert Associates from a vast variety of backgrounds and specialisms. All Associates are trained and supervised directly by Suzan. 


Below you will find all the options available to you when working with our Associates. We offer bespoke packages where needed - please contact us for more information on this if you require it.


£75.00 - voluntary contribution as we are a not-for-profit organisation


  • 1 hour introductory call

  • Get an understanding of your situation

  • Discuss you specific needs

  • Guidance on how we can help you


During our initial consultations, we will discuss your specific situation and needs. We will offer you support guidance and discuss the options and the different levels of support Raising a Wild Child can offer you.

You will have the time and the space to share what you need to share with us, so we can establish the level of support you and your family need.

If there is a local authority involved we will work closely with them to ensure that your child gets all the support they need to begin to thrive.

  • 12 x 1 hour weekly sessions

  • 24/7 WhatsApp messaging service

  • School/other agency  interactions

  • Report writing for schools, doctors or other agencies

  • RAWC Membership


Raising a Wild Child is very fortunate to work with expert Associates, from a vast variety of backgrounds and specialisms. All Associates are trained and mentored directly by Suzan.

After an initial consultation, you will be assigned and introduced to the associate most suited to your family’s needs. 


The process is the same in that you will meet with your associate for twelve 60 minute sessions to co-create a bespoke plan to bring understanding and harmony to your home.  

In between sessions you will be encouraged to reach out 24/7 via a messaging service to ensure that you never feel too far away from support and that face to face sessions are solution focused and tailored to your family's journey.   


Your Associate will also be available to support your interactions with schools and other agencies to advocate for and meet the needs of your family.   

A written report is also provided for schools, doctors or any other agency as required.


(£125.00/hour when you sign up for 10 session or more upfront)

  • 1 hour Associate support sessions

  • Emotional support which helps families cope with the challenges they face daily

  • Advice

  • RAWC webinar followed by live Q&A session 

  • EHCP & SEND Law Webinar followed by Q&A session (EHCP Law specialist)

  • Q&A session - live - 1.5hrs session

  • Self Nurture Session OR Tutoring Support



  • 1 Members Challenge

  • 1 blog/newsletter per month

  • Announcements

  • Live Chat Room - support (3 families at 30 minutes each)

  • Community Circles - multiple circles of support on whatever topic/subject/ specific scenarios/training group/etc


We provide the tools and techniques to support parents and carers of children / young people who show distressed attitudes and violent behaviours.


This course, based on the principals of Therapeutic NVR, will enable participants to develop the core knowledge and skills that are necessary to compassionately use this intervention for violence, aggression, controlling, destructive and harmful behaviour.


Do you want to cultivate a loving and respectful relationship with your child while maintaining healthy boundaries? 

Contact Form

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